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Nimertis project

Nimertis Project | Yacht Design

The issue of isolation that many greek islands face, led to the idea of the creation of a floating mean whose purpose is the provision, to remote island regions, with services regarding the health care, as well as education and entertainment. The main target is to connect the residents with several services, either  vital, such as a health center, or intoduce them to new ways of entertainment.

For that reason, a suitable yacht was used, after its conversion from a luxurious private residence to a  health and entertainment multiplex.


The source of inspiration for the design, where curves and circular routes are the dominant features, is the relation of mythical Nymphs with water and the therapeutical properties that assign to it.

The yacht is divided in six decks: the two upper levels accommodate the entertainment and catering spaces, where the arrangement is orthonormal with perimetrical paths around the main areas, and the two central decks host the educational spaces and the health center, where the design is consisted of sharp curved forms. At the two lower decks, the interior design of the staff's private rooms has been preserved according to the original planning.

In every deck, special attention was given to the colors and the materials in order to provide relaxation and an atmosphere of comfort to the visitors. That’s why warm colors and materials, like wood, dominate at the parts of spaces, while the presence of glass and transparency are characteristic features.

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